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© Sütçüler'e Ayrıntılı Bir Bakış

72.Isparta City is only 125 km from Antalya.

Isparta City is only 125 km from Antalya.

Area: 8.933 km²
 Population: 513.681 (2000)
 Traffic Code: 32
 Isparta is a province that placed at the Mediterranean Region, and famous with lakes, roses and rugs. Antic cities, national parks, and caves are places to be seen in province.
 Districts: Isparta (center), Aksu, Atabey, Eğridir, Gelendost, Gönen, Keçiborlu, Senirkent, Sütçüler, Şarkikarağaç, Uluborlu, Yalvaç, Yenişarbademli.
Aksu: There are coins come acrossed in the district, that belong to Helenistic era from 1st and 2nd century BC. The most important ruins in the district are; Timbriada, Tynada, Eurymendon holly area and Roman bridge. The Sorgun and Zindan caves and Sorgun plateu which take important place in tourism are remain in the border of the district.
 Atabey: The main historic and cultural properties in the distict are: the 41 cubic graves, the ruins of Sidera Bayat, the Madrasa of Ertokus and the mosque of Sinan. The district of Atabey is 23 km away from Isparta.
 Gelendost: The district of Gelendost is one the oldest cultural centre since the first eras, located on the lakes region, called the country of Psidya. The most important cultural buildings in the district are, the two historic mosques and the Ertokus Caravanserai which in in the borders of Yesilkoy.
 Keçiborlu: It is on the junction of all roads. The Ankara-Istanbul and Izmir highway and railway are passes through the district. There some preserved traces remained from old era are in the district such as; Keciborlu tumulus, Kilic tumulus, the remains of Kilic Fari, the remains of Fadilli, the remains of Guneykent city, the mosque of Sinanbey, the mosque of Senir Haci Osman, the tomb of Gumusgun Sinan Dede.
 The main picnic and high plateu of touristic places are; Sogut Mt. Plateu, Fadilli plateu, Koru plateu, Tasoluk plateu, the picnic area and pond of Guneydere-Uzundere, Keciborlu pond, Boyranli Sini plateu, Aydogmus Akdag plateu. The villages of Tepecik and Ardicli beaches are located by the Burdur lake.
 It is understood from researches and remains that the area of Senirkent has been inhabited since old era. The Tymandos antique city, Yassioren tumulus, Garip tumulus, Tohumkesen tumulus, Aralik tumulus, Gencali tumulus, and the tomb of Veli Baba are in the district.
 How to Get
 Road: province roadway connections with other provinces are claimed over; Afyonkarahisar, Konya, Antalya.
Coach station Tel : (+90-246) 227 20 70
 Railway: Isparta railway an extention of İzmir - Aydın railway, has periodical voyages; Pamukkale Express, Göller Express, Posta Treni (mail train), Mototren. Reaching every places in country is possible by railway.
Train station Tel : (+90-246) 232 41 35 - 218 13 01
Airport: Airport is 28 kilometre away from Isparta and take place in the borders of Keçiborlu county. Isparta - İstanbul and İstanbul - Isparta plane voyages arranged at Isparta Süleyman Demirel Airport, every kind of planes can be take of and land at airport.
Airport Tel : (+90-246) 559 20 0 - 559 20 13
 Ancient Cities
Antiocheia Antic City: Antiocheia; is nearly 1 kilometre north from Yalvaç county that depended to Isparta province and built on a productive area which lies towards the south slope of Sultan mountains.
 Pisida Antiocheia
 Limenia Island - Artemis Temple: liemnia Island is in side the Hoyran lake at the Gaziri locality that 25 kilometre away from Yalvaç county. Island is surrounded from waters and a temple built in for the name of Artemis, moreover other building ruins exists. It is understood that the island was settlement place since the First Ages and was an important center for praying.
 Seleukeia Sidera (Bayat): It is 7 kilometre south of Atabey, at the Bayat Village. Excavation processes done at the Antic city bring light Hatıllı south terrace, acropolis east gate, south slope gate, stairs - tunnel - well system, building with podium, theatre and necropolis (grave yard).
 Adada: It is 12 kilometre away from Sütçüler county and 2 kilometer away from Sığırlık Village. Today some ruins can bee seen at Antic city is; Main street of first age that floored by big stones and placed at the geometric axis of Cities area. And ruins of little temples that that temples built by rectangular (shape of square prism) stones which cut so smooth, some ones leaved with decoration salient part. Moreover Agora and buildings complex that surrounding it, Bouleuterion (meeting place for city governors), some parts from city water system, Necropolis, mausoleum (monument tombs built like house) are present.
Saint Paul Church, Aya Payana Church and Aya Yorgi Church are important Churches of province.
Religious Tourism
St. Paul Church (Yalvaç): It is one kilometers north of Yalvaç province, and within Pisidia Antiocheia Antique City. It is the first big church of the city, and adjacent to the city ramparts and 200 meters south of Roman Hamam. Bassilical planned structure, which is one of the first Christian churches, is constructed on a synagogue.
St. Paul church, which is within Yalvaç Antiocheia antic city had taken its name from city visitor St. Paul. After St. Paul had gained to be a citizen of Roma, he had been Baptist by Saul and Hanania, and gained Paul name. St. Paul, together with Saint Barnabas, had come to the city on 46 A. D., and gave his first official sermon in a synagogue in this city. After this visit, due to two more visits of St. Paul to this city, it gained an importance for both church and Antiocheia Christianity world.
Aya Payana Church (Center): It is at the city center. It is thought to be constructed on 1750.
Aya Yorgi Church (Center): It is at the city center of Isparta. It is written that it is constructed on 1858 on its inscription.
Aya Stetfanos Church (Eğirdir): It is in Eğirdir Lake, Yeşilada District, which is bound to Eğiridir province with an asphalt road on 1976 while it was an island before. It is a Byzantium - Orthodox church, which is constructed during XIV century.
Ertokuş Caravanserai: It is near the Eğirdir lake in the borders of Yeşilköy Village. Known as Kudret Inn or Gelendost Inn too,. According to inscription caravanserai built by Mübarüziddin Ertokuş in the 1223.
Sorgun plateau that 10 kilometre away from Aksu county centre, is most important plateau of province. Plateau that has lots of fountains, take quite interest of local people at summers.
Preserved Areas
Isparta- Kızıldağ National Park
Isparta- Kovada Lake National Park
Isparta- Kasnak Meşesi Ormani-Nature Reserve
Isparta- Yazılı Canyon
Isparta- Gölcük Natural Park
 Eğirdir Lake: It takes place in either the borders of Isparta province and Lakes region, and it is one of the most important lakes of both. It is the 4th biggest lake in Türkiye with 517 kilometre square surface area. Lake separated in to two sections. Little one that placed at north side section called as Hoyran Lake, the section placed at south called Eğirdir Lake. Each two sections connected with Hoyran throat.

 İletisim, address,


*Sütcüler, Fhun, group.

*Yonjada, we,

From is Isparta/Sütcüler

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Geleneksel 22. Dut ve Pekmez Şenlikleri bu yıl 9-10 Temmuz 2010 tarihlerinde ilçemizde düzenlenecektir.Tüm halkımız davetlidir.


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Sütcüler;, Sütcüler llçemize ait Özellikler- Tarihi ve Turistik Değerler

Sütcüler llçemize ait Özellikler- Tarihi ve Turistik Değerler

Sütcüler llçemize ait Özellikler- Tarihi ve Turistik Değerler: -Yıva (Bavlu), 1478-1501 tahrir kayıtlarında nahiye (zeamet), 1522 ve 1568 tahrir kayıtlarında kaza, Katip Çelebi'nin Cihannümasında ise kaza olarak görülmektedir. Bavulu şekline dönüşen isim, Cumhuriyet döneminde 1962 yılına kadar sürmüş, bu tarihte yerleşime dağ-dağlık anlamına gelen Cebel ismi verilmiştir. 1938 yılında, belde halkının büyük şehirlerde sütçülük yapmaları üzerine ismi Sütçüler olarak değiştirilmiş ve Eğirdir'e bağlı bir nahiye iken ilçe statüsü verilmiştir. * Adada Antik Kent ( Sağrak Köyü Zengi Mevkii),Kocaköy (PEDNELİSSOS) Kesme Kasabası,Mağara (Aşağı yaylabel Köyü civarı),Kurşunlu Harabeleri (Kasımlar-Karadutlar Mevkii),Seferağa Camii (Sütçüler Merkez),Asar Kalesi Kalıntıları (Hacıaliler Köyü Çağıllıpınar Mevkii),Sığırlık Kalesi Kalıntıları (Yeşilyurt Köyü),Sur Kalıntıları (Sütçüler Merkez Taşkapı Mevkii),Kitabe (Belen Mahallesi),Mağara ve Sarnıçlar (Beydilli Köyü) Su Yolu Kalıntıları (Gürleyik-Tota-Zengi arası), Melikler Kalesi (Melikler Köyü Bahçe Mevkii),Mağara (Karadağ),İnsuyu-Yeraltı Suyu (Bekirağalar Köyü),Mağara (Selimler Sarıtaş Köyü),Şeyh Muslihittin Türbesi (Şeyhler Türbesi),Yazılıkaya Kanyonu, (Sütçüler-Çandır arası),Karacaören Barajı (Çandır Köyü),Küçüksu Alabalık Tesisi (Yeşilyurt Köyü),İçmeler (Kasımlar yolu Tota Mevkii),Köprüçay Kanyonu (Kasımlar-Manavgat arası) Sütçüler Dut Pekmezi festivali her yıl Temmuz ayı içerisinde yapılmaktadır. .

Sütcüler yazısı, Sütcüler ile ilgili, Sütcüler tezi

Isparta ilinin güneyinde bulunan Sütçüler ilçesi, çok daglık, arazinin egim degerleri yüksek ve ormanlık bir alandır. Arazinin bu yapısı nüfus ve yerlesmeyi sekillendirmis, yörede az nüfuslu küçük köy ve bu köylere baglı mahallelerin olusumuna ortam hazırlamıstır. Bir köy merkezine baglı bulunan mahalleler, bazen sadece birkaç ailenin yasadıgı üç bes ev ve eklentisinden meydana gelmekte, bazen de baglı oldugu köyden daha fazla nüfusa sahip olabilmektedir. Bu kır yerlesmelerinde tarım, hayvancılık, balıkçılık, arıcılık, orman isçiligi gibi ekonomik faaliyetler sürdürülmektedir. Ancak bu kır yerlesmelerinin dagınık, az nüfuslu ve ekonomik gelir düzeyinin çok düsük olmasından dolayı, Sütçüler kırsalından, basta Isparta sehrine olmak üzere göç olayı yasanmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yerlesme, Dagınık yerlesme, Mahalle,Tarım, Hayvancılık.

ABSTRACT Sütçüler district located in Southern Isparta is an area which is very mountainous, high slopes values of the lands and woodland. This structure of the land shaped the settlement, and it created an environment to exist a less populated villages and district attached to the villages. The districts attached a village centre some time take place three or five houses where a few family are living in. However, sometimes it might have much population than the village that it is attached. Economic activities of this rural settlement carried out in these fields such as, fishing, cattleman, occupation of mountain, beekeeping. Because of being less populated and very low standard of living in these rural settlements, peoples migrate from rural settlement of Sütçüler to Isparta City. Low standard of transportation makes the education, health services difficult. Key Words; Settlement, scattered settlement, district, agriculture, animal husbandry.

  • Sütçüler’de Köylerin Rakım Degerleri

Sütçüler ilçesi, Isparta ilinin güneyinde yer almaktadır. Dogusunda Konya iline baglı Beysehir ve Derebucak, kuzey ve kuzeybatısında Egirdir ilçesi, güneyinde Antalya iline baglı Serik ve Manavgat ilçeleri, batısında Burdur ilinin Bucak ilçesi ile çevrilidir (Sekil-1). Yaklasık 128.800 hektar alanı ile Isparta ilinin, hemen hemen % 14’ünü içerirr. Kapladıgı alan itibarıyla Isparta’nın büyük ilçelerinden birisidir. Arazisinin denizden yüksekligi, 250 ile 2500 m arasında degismektedir. Batı Torosların güneybatı, kuzeydogu ve güneydogu dogrultusunda sıkısarak birbiri içine girmesinden meydana gelen üçgen içinde yer alması nedeniyle, Sütçüler’in tamamı daglık bir alan içerisinde bulunmaktadır. İçinde bulundugu fiziki ortamın sonucu topografik yapısı kısa mesafeler içinde degisen, engebeli alanların genis yer kapladıgı Sütçüler’de düz arazi çok azdır. İlçe’de düzlükler genelde plato görünümündedir ve dagların yüksek yerlerinde bulunmaktadır. Sütçüler’de arazinin topografik yapısı ve bitki örtüsü, nüfus ve yerlesmeyi de etkilemistir. Alanının büyüklügünün aksine, Sütçüler az nüfuslu bir ilçedir.

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